Twitter archive questions answered

The Library of Congress has decided to put those burning questions to rest. Why are they archiving Twitter? What’s going to be included in the archive? And what is the Library going to do with all of that information anyway? Can we access it? Read their FAQ and find out.

You can’t own an ebook

Check out this new short and a bit over positive article Are Libraries Dying? about ebooks and their potential impact on Libraries.

In particular the reference list is excellent and will give you a good idea of the arguments on this subject. In particular this one, are we screwed?

Library of Congress to archive the Twitterverse

The Library of Congress have just announced that they are going to archive Twitter, and they used their own Twitter stream to make their original announcement. Starting with its inception in 2006 and with around 50 million tweets being added daily to the Twitterverse, that’s a lot of ground to cover!

Facebook fellows

Following a recent call for fellows to investigate issues related to social media, Facebook has revealed their successful fellowship candidates. The fellows will investigate issues such as

crowdsourced online help, the structure of networks, information disclosure, online advertising and data analysis.

One of the successful fellows, Parmit Chilana, is currently working towards her PhD  in information science, having already gained her master’s degree in library and information science. Parmit will investigate ways of of utilising crowdsourcing as a means to supply in-built support for web applications.

ALA National Library Week

“… public libraries provide equitable access to information of all kinds. With information comes knowledge and the possibility to learn and achieve, the opportunity to work and advance, and the power to participate in the democratic process.”

It is Library Week in the US of A. Check out the publicity resources here.

Neil Gaiman is featured as he is the honorary chair of the Week.

Listen to him speak the profoundest wisdom ….
“Libraries are as important as anything gets”

And then as you listen you can picture him in his personal Library here.

It’s all so GLAM

Last week, Liam Wyatt, the British Museum‘s first ever volunteer Wikipedian in residence, gave a presentation at the National Library discussing some of the recommendations from last year’s Galleries, Libraries, Archives, Museums & Wikimedia conference, held at the Australian War Memorial. Liam raised some very interesting points in regards to ownership, usage, Creative Commons licensing and copyright of digitised materials held in cultural institutions, as well as talking about the ways that volunteers can play a valuable role in contributing to an institution’s projects, something which this blog has previously touched upon. If you couldn’t get to the NLA last week to see the presentation in person, or want to be reminded of the things that Liam covered, check it out here.

Working around interruptions

In an office environment, you can’t escape distractions. The phone rings or someone comes to tap you on the shoulder and ask you a question, or you have to dash to a meeting or presentation. Over at Big Think, Jason Fried is wondering why the current workplaces are “optimized for interruptions”. Good question … find out more about what he has to say and how he thinks some of this can be overcome by watching his video here.

It’s alive!

There are numberous ways of finding out what’s new at your library – looking on the new acquisitions shelf, through circulation lists or updates on the library’s blog, or by talking to your nearest friendly librarian.

But have you ever wondered about what kinds of things are being added to WorldCat? Now, every 8 seconds, you can see the latest things as they’re added!