Jumping on bandwagon

Well a Manly Library assistant certainly gained some probably unwanted worldwide notoriety with their humourous sign

Manly Library sign

Source @Dane_Murray https://twitter.com/Dane_Murray/status/293497606884184064/photo/1

What amused me more is the idea, still apparently prevalent, that the books in the non-fiction shelves are still perceived to be ‘true’ or something. Didn’t anyone notice the 130s, 200s or 994s before.

It’s like nobody has read any Derrida at all, out there.




TAFE Australasia Library Conference

The Queensland VET Libraries Association (QVLA) Inc. is hosting a two-day national conference next November.

TAFE is actively involved in delivering education to tertiary students at a school, VET and Bachelor levels and the TALC conference will offer a relevant and engaging professional development opportunity for library-focussed people.

They are interested in attracting potential speakers for the conference.

The details are as follows:
TAFE Australasia Library Conference (TALC)
“Adapt, Change, Evolve”
Southbank Institute of Technology
Brisbane 21st – 22nd November, 2013
If you would like to present at our conference contact us via our website or email address.
If you would like to attend the conference, you can book online at our website at http://www.talc.org.au or contact us:
Email: talc2013@gmail.com
Website http://www.talc.org.au

Registration categories and prices

Full registration Day registration
Early bird QVLA member 260 QVLA Member (no social) 160
Early bird non-member 290 Non-member (no social) 175
Standard QVLA member 325
Standard non-member 350
Student 260