Library Lovers Day

Coming soon, don’t forget Library Lovers Day on the 14th of February and brought to you by ALIA and Public Libraries Australia

Remember it’s about loving as in appreciating your Library, and not your librarian, that’s a separate day, sometime.

here we have an example of what not to do

The Great Australian Internet Blackout

The campaign against censorship steps up this Australia Day week with a campaign appearing across numerous Australian websites coordinated by

Librarians have a dog in this fight as they are the guardians of information and the champions of access.

The Australian Library and Information Association therefore has a statement on online content regulation at which says:

Libraries and information services facilitate and promote public access to the widest variety of information, reflecting the plurality and diversity of society. The selection and availability of library materials and services, including online content and services, is governed by professional considerations and not by political, moral and religious views.

Libraries and information services support the right of all users to unhindered access to information of their choice regardless of format.

The International Federation of Library Associations (IFLA)

also has this to say:

The global interconnectedness of the Internet provides a medium through which this right may be enjoyed by all. Consequently, access should neither be subject to any form of ideological, political or religious censorship, nor to economic barriers.

Bibliothèque Nationale D’Haïti

The building of the National library is safe, the shelves and holdings have shifted…we will prevail …our building is the only one standing in the whole area.

I have not yet been able to locate all the personel, but half of them are safe…we keep on checking.

– Françoise Beaulieu-Thybulle

From the IFLA website at:

We here at the National Library of Australia, send our fraternal greetings and best wishes to our Haitian colleagues. We trust you will prevail and that all staff are safe.

Here is a view of the National Library post the earthquake

For general views of post earthquake Haiti, Google have put together this page.